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1. Rechtssitz und Kontakte: srl

Registered Office: s.s. 85 venafrana, 230, Venafro (IS)- Italy

Headquarters: S.S. 85 Venafrana nº 16 - 86079 Venafro (IS), Italy

Ust.-ID 00840910947

R.E.A.-Eintragungsnummer: 302930


Telefonnummer: 0865/904538

Faxnummer: 0865/910831

2. Inhalte der Internetseite und Nutzungsrechte:

All content (texts, images, graphics, etc..) On this site are property (copyright (c)) of srl and are governed and protected by copyright and intellectual. No part of this site may be reproduced, transmitted or copied in any form without prior written permission of srl. It is allowed to print or copy contents only for personal and not commercial use. Quotes are allowed, within the limits of the law on copyright, provided they are accompanied by an indication of the source " srl" and its web address. The use of links to the home page of the site must be previously authorized by srl ; Are in any case forbitten both the deep linking (links to pages within the site) and the framing (insertion of the linked page within the structure of the site linking). The documents on this site are written with care and periodically updated; the purpose of the produced documentation is to give the most comprehensive and updated information on the products and services provided by srl. We accept no responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the texts as being not official. The site may contain links to external sites: though great care in identifying sites to link to, srl assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content on these sites or their usability.

Nutzbarkeit und Erreichbarkeit - das Gesetz, 9. Januar 2004, Nr. 4, veröffentlicht auf G. U. Nr. 13 am 7. Januar 2004 sieht die Pflicht der Erreichbarkeit aller Internetseiten vor, die öffentliche Dienstleistungen anbieten (Gemeinden, Landkreise und ähnliches). ist in der Lage (Anfrage auf Kostenvoranschlag) einen vollständigen, Service zur Überprüfung der Erreichbarkeit der Seite eines öffentlichen Unternehmens und die entsprechenden Lösungsvorschläge zu liefern, damit diese den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen entspricht.

Einblick in das genannte Gesetz:
